
redux-action and redux-act resolves the headache in reading and writing boilerpolate for sync actions and reducers in Redux, but with async actions, they are not very convenient. I think the problem is that the redux-action and redux-act by themselves did not provide status and status change, from pending to success for example. With a nested object declaration, this package provides you to customize your action creators and reducers compatible with action.status.

Pesudo code about difference with redux-action

In redux-action, you may write something alike (without promise or Observable)

let somethingObj = {
  fetchPending: function,
  fetchSuccess: function,
  fetchError: function

In this package, you could do something alike

let somethingObj = {
  fetch: {
    pending: function,
    success: function,
    error: function,

You could see how to use this package in API reference.

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